Selena Jones Selena Jones

Fillmore Glenn State Park South Rim to Gorge Trail

This route took us about 1 hour 45 minute to complete and was about 5.4 miles long. We went early in the morning, about 830. Parking was free for us. It was very rainy and wet so there werent that many people. there was a steep incline right at the beginning and a steep decline at the end but in between isnt too bad. There were many beautiful falls and small water runoffs. Everything was green and magical, its what I imaging the PNW to be like. It was also very dog friendly. There were real bathrooms at the start of the trail.

9/10. I cant wait to go back and swim in it.

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Selena Jones Selena Jones

Humu’ula Trail Mauna Kea

Humuula Trail Mauna Kea

This trail is one of the hardest things i have ever done. My route ended up being 14 miles taking me 11ish hours to complete. I took the Humu’ula Trail up Mauna kea starting at 0630 and ending around 1730. It was very windy the entire time and it got worse the higher up I went. It was pretty chilly that day too. I ended up getting wind burn on my nose lips and cheeks that blistered up and lasted for about two weeks. I went very slowly due to the dramatic incline and I did not get elevation sickness. I did end up taking a few puffs from my oxygen container closer to the top. I made it to the sacred lake (not pictured) and up to the observatory 13 different countries have funded spaces on this mountain. I tried to go farther but the wind had me pinned against a guard rail and blew one of my hiking poles away from me. I was able to get it back, but I tore my poncho. Total elevation gain was 4,750. Because of the wind I walked the service road down. I cried when I saw the sign for the visitors center at the end of my hike. Besides the people that work there I only saw a family of three join on the trail. They passed me very early on and then I found out when I got back to the rangers that not too long after they started they had to be transported down due to elevation sickness, I have defiantly learned that taking your time is worth it.

10/10. killed me the next few days but I would do it again.

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Selena Jones Selena Jones

Pu’uloa Petroglyphs Trail

While we were in Hawai’i we did the short Pu’uloa trail that led to the Petroglyphs. These petroglyphs were carved into hardened lava. This site contains over 23,000 images detailing family histories and significant events in their lives. the trail was 1.3 miles over hardened lava and some gravel. It took us about 45 minutes to complete this including the time to look at the petroglyphs.


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Selena Jones Selena Jones

The Erie Canal Trail.

It all begins with an idea.

This was back in April of 2023, my Fiancée was working a four hour OT shift. That morning I had decided to take our dog, Freya, on a walk. We started at our house, walked down to the Erie Canal, took a left and kept walking.

Freya and I walked for almost 8 miles that day and it took us a little over four hours. The amount of snails that we saw was incredible. I ended up asking my Fiancée to come and pick us up when her shift was over because I was so out of shape, in a lot of pain, and just tired. She picked us up at Swifts Landing Park.

For the walk itself, it was easy. The weather was perfect that morning, a little cold in the beginning, but then the sun came out and warmed us up. The people we passed were polite and I found out that Freya does not take treats from strangers. We saw a dead fish, a mangled bike, and at the end, a small beautiful waterfall.

score: 9/10.

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Selena Jones Selena Jones

Lake George: Sleeping Beauty.

May 6 2023

I had this brilliant idea that I wanted to hike the Lake George 12ster. For those of you who are unfamiliar, they are twelve mountain peaks in Lake George NY. My fiance is not much of a hiker at all, but I really didn’t think it would be that bad. (I was wrong) We ended up hiking 8 miles with 1437ft elevation gain. not even 1/4th of the way up her hips started to hurt and i was severely out of breath. we persisted.

This hike was my first big girl hike. we were so beat up the next day and the bugs were relentless the whole time. I have terrible ankle problems and I had to crawl to the bathroom the next morning, which is pretty embarrassing for only being 23 at the time.

Despite how long it took us, how we felt the next day, and how we felt during the hike, it was amazing. The view you have of other mountains at the summit is breathtaking. No picture does it justice. I’m glad we did it and that I got to share that experience with her.

I still plan on finishing the 12ster. :)

score: 8/10

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Selena Jones Selena Jones

The Hudson River

July 3rd 2023

This one is not about hiking, but its about our trip up to Maine and then The Hudson River. July 4th week our company shut down so we got to go on a vacation. We began our journey in Maine, where I saw a lot of mushrooms on the property our Airbnb tent site was. There were multiple short hikes around the camp. One led to an ax throwing area, another lead to a pizza station, and one led down to a small area of water. We were able to take a canoe out and paddle with no one else around. Then we went to a Hipcamp tent site off of The Hudson River. We met up with our good buddy, Andy, at the site. Our area was right next to a creek. I sat in a water chair (in the water of course) for at least an hour just to cool off and float. Taylor and I had a tent and Andy set up his hammock. we then walked down the creek and it led us to the Hudson. Freya does not like water at all so I had to carry her down the creek so she could be with us. The water in the river was warm and copper colored. The views were outstanding. There was also a short trail that led to abandoned train tracks.

score: 10/10.

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Selena Jones Selena Jones

FLNF: Backbone trail

January 5 2024

This was my first for A LOT of things. This was my first time at Finger Lakes National Forest, this was my first time hiking solo, and this was my first winter hike. It was around 30F, but the sun was shining and the wind wasnt that bad. It wasnt actively snowing, actually where I lived there wasnt any snow on the ground. As soon as i reached the turn before the parking space I saw the snow all over the ground. However, it wasnt bad. pretty compacted already. All of the snow and melted snow made it very muddy. There were ice sheets throughout the trail as well, but they only posed an issue when I would step and break through the thin ice plunging my boot into an inch or two of water.

The trail was relatively easy. It wasnt too hilly or too flat. While I was out I did not see a single soul around. Not and animal, hiker, or driver around. Just me. I will say that it was really creepy walking the one side because to my left it was just thick, dark, dense woods and I read too many Creepypastas when I was younger. I stumbled upon a couch in the middle of nowhere. Hiking alone also wasnt that bad either. I enjoyed going at my own pace, starting and stopping when I pleased, being able to sit and take in the views without pressure. I really felt connected to myself.

score: 8/10

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