FLNF: Backbone trail

This was my first for A LOT of things. This was my first time at Finger Lakes National Forest, this was my first time hiking solo, and this was my first winter hike. It was around 30F, but the sun was shining and the wind wasnt that bad. It wasnt actively snowing, actually where I lived there wasnt any snow on the ground. As soon as i reached the turn before the parking space I saw the snow all over the ground. However, it wasnt bad. pretty compacted already. All of the snow and melted snow made it very muddy. There were ice sheets throughout the trail as well, but they only posed an issue when I would step and break through the thin ice plunging my boot into an inch or two of water.

The trail was relatively easy. It wasnt too hilly or too flat. While I was out I did not see a single soul around. Not and animal, hiker, or driver around. Just me. I will say that it was really creepy walking the one side because to my left it was just thick, dark, dense woods and I read too many Creepypastas when I was younger. I stumbled upon a couch in the middle of nowhere. Hiking alone also wasnt that bad either. I enjoyed going at my own pace, starting and stopping when I pleased, being able to sit and take in the views without pressure. I really felt connected to myself.

score: 8/10


The Hudson River